Schedule an OPUS BRiDGE switch for lighting control in each room. You can choose between switches for one or two circuits or use an OPUS BRiDGE universal dimmer for atmospheric lighting.
The ideal SmartHome entry - without long planning and elaborate concepts. In combination with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway you can control your lighting via iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch and Apple HomePod via Apple HomeKit - from home, on the road and via voice control. Create scenes and automations with the Apple Home App and add more Apple HomeKit-enabled devices.
Apple HomeKit capable in combination with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway (item no. 563.075-C)
with QR code for easy configuration in the OPUS SmartHome Gateway
electronic switch with EnOcean radio module
easy and quick to install - also for retrofitting
switch brand independent - EnOcean rockers incl. intermediate frame available for all common switch brands
incl. cover frame and seesaw
Atmospheric lighting in the OPUS Smart Home: the OPUS BRiDGE universal dimmer is a hybrid switch that has an EnOcean radio module in addition to the standard 230 V connection. This makes it networkable and can be controlled, for example, with the wireless and batteryless OPUS wall transmitter. Many other applications for perfect lighting are also conceivable. For instance, the universal dimmer becomes Apple HomeKit-compatible in combination with the OPUS Smart Home Gateway. Via the central switching function, it also supports integration into smart home systems from a wide range of manufacturers.
Flicker-free dimming of LED, incandescent and halogen lamps
Apple HomeKit-compatible in combination with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway (article no. 563.075-C)
with QR code for easy configuration in the OPUS SmartHome Gateway
electronic switch with EnOcean radio module
easy and quick to install - even when retrofitting
Switch brand independence - EnOcean rockers incl. intermediate frame available for all common switch brands
Universal dimmer incl. frame mounting plate, cover frame and rocker (colour: polar white silky gloss)
The OPUS 55 wall transmitter with surface rocker is part of the OPUS greenNet product family. The smart switch can be easily installed anywhere, regardless of the room situation, and in conjunction with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway, it can trigger scenes and automations from Apple HomeKit at the touch of a button.
Smart switch
Cable- and battery-free, freely positionable
Apple HomeKit enabled with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway
Upgrade your Home: Control your SmartHome wherever you want.
Part of the OPUS greenNet product family: Simply smart. For everyone.
The OPUS BRiDGE 2 channel is part of the OPUS greenNet product family In conjunction with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway, you control your lamps via your Apple terminal and trigger scenes and automations via Apple HomeKit. The conventional design of the OPUS BRiDGE 2 duct enables uncomplicated installation in any standard flush-mounted box - without dirt, dust or renovation work. Note: The installation may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.
Smart light switch for controlling two lamps (2 channel)
Upgrade your Home: old switch out, smart switch in! Renovation-free retrofitting
Apple HomeKit enabled with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway
Frame and rockers included in delivery, compatible with OPUS 55 and switch ranges of all well-known brand manufacturers
Part of the OPUS greenNet product family: Simply smart. For everyone.
incl. cover frame and seesaw
De OPUS 55 wandzender met drukschakelaar en pijlen is het extra schakelpunt voor flexibele rolluiksturing in de Smarthome - ongeacht of u voor het OPUS BRiDGE rolluik/jaloezie of de OPUS rolluikaandrijving hebt gekozen. De slimme schakelaar kan eenvoudig overal worden geïnstalleerd, ongeacht de situatie in de kamer: 100% draadloos, 100% batterijloos, 100% handig. In combinatie met de OPUS Smarthome Gateway, kan het ook scènes en automatiseringen van Apple HomeKit of Amazon Alexa activeren met één druk op de knop.
Energie-autonoom schakelstation met EnOcean draadloze module
Met QR-code voor eenvoudige configuratie met OPUS Smarthome Gateway (art. nr. 563.075-C) en bediening via Apple HomeKit en Amazon Alexa
Onderhoud-, kabel- en batterijvrij
Flexibele plaatsing: neerleggen of bevestigen met zelfklevende folie
Kan worden geïntegreerd in alle standaard 55 schakelaar reeksen
Leveringsomvang: OPUS wandzendermodule incl. frameklemplaat, afdekraam en vlakke wip met pijlen (kleur: polarwit-zijdeglans)
Technische gegevens:
EnOcean radio: 868.3 MHz
Max temperatuur: -25 °C tot +65 °C
Zendvermogen: 10 mW
Draadloos bereik: 300 m in vrij veld, 30 m in gebouwen
Aantal kanalen: 2
Materiaal: kunststof
Montagetype: opbouwmontage
The OPUS 55 wall transmitter with series rocker is part of the OPUS greenNet product family. The smart switch can be easily installed anywhere, regardless of the room situation, and in conjunction with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway, it can trigger scenes and automations from Apple HomeKit at the touch of a button. The series rocker can be used, for example, to create four items (scenes).
Smart switch
Cable- and battery-free, freely positionable
Apple HomeKit enabled with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway
Upgrade your Home: Control your SmartHome wherever you want.
Part of the OPUS greenNet product family: Simply smart. For everyone.
Die OPUS BRiDGE Dimmer ist Teil der OPUS greenNet Produktfamilie. In Verbindung mit dem OPUS SmartHome Gateway dimmen Sie Ihre Lampen über Ihr Apple Endgerät und lösen Szenen und Automationen via Apple HomeKit aus. Die konventionelle Bauform der OPUS BRiDGE Dimmer ermöglicht den unkomplizierten Einbau in jeder gängigen Unterputzdose – ohne Schmutz, Staub und Renovierungsaufwand. Hinweis: Die Installation darf ausschließlich von einer Elektrofachkraft vorgenommen werden.Apple HomeKit-fähig in Verbindung mit dem OPUS SmartHome Gateway (Artikel-Nr. 563.075-C)mit QR-Code zur einfachen Konfiguration im OPUS SmartHome Gatewayelektronischer Tast-Dimmer mit EnOcean-Funkmoduleinfach und schnell montiert – auch beim Nachrüstenschalterfabrikatsunabhängig – EnOcean-Wippen inkl. Zwischenrahmen für alle gängigen Schalterfabrikate verfügbarVersorgungsspannung: 230 V~, 50 / 60 HzAnschlussklemmen: 2,5 mm2 starrer Draht, Schraubklemmenarbeitet absolut geräuschlosflackerfreies Dimmen durch Einstellung der Grund- und Maximalhelligkeites können bis zu 14 gN Sensoren (Wandsender, Bewegungsmelder, Rauchmelder uvm.) eingebunden werdenbidirektionaler FunkRepeater-Funktion Level 1 und Level 2, ohne Filterfunktionintegrierte LED als Kontrollleuchte in Verbindung mit Kontrollwippen nutzbarinkl. Abdeckrahmen und WippeLED 3 - 60 VA
The OPUS 16A BRiDGE is suitable for switching larger loads (e.g. to make a socket switchable). It is also part of the OPUS product family.
electronic switch with EnOcean radio module
easy and quick to install - also for retrofitting
switch brand independent - EnOcean rockers incl. intermediate frame available for all common switch brands
with QR code for easy configuration in OPUS® SmartHome Gateway
Supply voltage: 230 V~, 50 / 60 Hz
Switching capacity: 16 A
external switching input 230 V~
Terminals: 2.5 mm2 rigid wire, screw terminals
up to 14 gN sensors (wall transmitters, motion detectors, smoke detectors, etc.) can be integrated
bidirectional radio
Repeater function Level 1 and Level 2, without filter function
not potential-free
The OPUS 1 wall transmitter with series rocker is part of the OPUS greenNet product family. The smart switch can be easily installed anywhere, regardless of the room situation, and in conjunction with the OPUS SmartHome Gateway, it can trigger scenes and automations from Apple HomeKit at the touch of a button. The series rocker can be used, for example, to create four items (scenes).
with QR code for easy configuration in OPUS® SmartHome Gateway
maintenance-free transmitter, no battery required
up to four functions possible with multi-function actuators via push-button function
can be screwed to the wall or material, as well as fastened with self-adhesive film
incl. self-adhesive foil
alpine white
Product number:
More about Lighting & Shading
Shutter control
For smart shutter control, plan with a smart shutter switch or a shutter motor.
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